Saturday, January 2, 2010

How to get my ex back

Stop blaming your ex or yourself

Stop wasting your time trying to make excuses for the breakup. Blaming your ex or even your own self will not get you far. Chuck the moods and make genuine efforts to change habits and attitudes so as to impress your ex. Remember your ex will have no time for histrionics and emotional displays of temper tantrums.

Don't be too hasty to get your ex back
It's true that you can't wait to have your lover back in your arms but being hasty and taking the wrong steps will only delay and spoil your chances of reconciliation. Give your ex the chance to realize what life is WITHOUT you. This means keeping your distance and giving your ex the space they need.

Demonstrate control
Arrange to meet your ex and make sure that your emotions are well under control. There should be absolutely no tears or other emotional displays that will make your ex feel that they are being manipulated and emotionally blackmailed in any way. Make sure that you have a smile for all you meet and take time to socialize.

Your ex is sure to realize that you are no longer weak and insecure but have matured into a person who has been able to deal with the breakup in a positive manner. This is bound to impress your ex and make them want to know more about this new you.

Look stunningly attractive
You will have to work on your body, clothes, hairstyle etc before you treat your ex to the irresistible and attractive you! Since you already know what type of "looks" attract your ex, be smart and boost your confidence and image so that your ex will automatically be drawn to you. Look appealing, desirable and sexy.

Of course just changing your looks is never enough and your ex will have to have the proof that you have also changed on the inside. You can subtly tantalize, tease and flirt with your ex when you meet them as this will bring back memories of better times.

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