Monday, September 20, 2010

Hey you, skinny pip-squeak! I'm talking to YOU!!!

Ooooh, I hated to be called that!

But in high school, not matter what I tried, I could never seem
to put on any muscle.

And the big beefy football guys never let me forget it, either!

So I completely understand what Vince (Skinny Vinny) DelMonte
went through when he weighed a measly 149 pounds soaking wet.

Click here to see his photo as a scrawny twerp...

...and his photo now that he weighs a muscular 190 pounds.

What a mind-blowing difference!

And ladies, there's a link near the top of the page for you, too.

See what happened to a twiggy underfed model when she followed
Vince's advice and put on 10 pounds of pure muscle in just 3

...WOW! She's gorgeous now!

Look, skinny is probably better than fat, but not by much.

Who wants to date you or even look at you if you're just a bunch
of twigs and skin?

Women want guys who are ripped.

And ladies, contrary to what the fashion mags tell you, guys DO
want to see some sexy curves on your body, not just skin and
bones. Yuck!

Whether you're underweight or overweight, if you have trouble
packing on the muscles, I've got great news for you.

I've found the same training program that has helped hundreds of
skinny hard gainers - JUST LIKE YOU.

And if you happen to be chubby, you'll see how this will work for
you like never before, and with no restrictive dieting.

This is the killer step-by-step muscle building system for people
who have tried everything else and still can't gain clear,
defined, eye-popping muscle mass.

As you can imagine, when you've got muscle, you
-look better,
-feel better,
-have more stamina,
-can eat more without gaining weight, and
-you look and feel HEALTHY and VIBRANT...

...instead of looking like a refugee from some poverty-stricken

...or a blob that just rolled off the couch (sorry!).

So HOW do you get those muscles?

For some people, it seems just about impossible. You follow
everything the fitness magazines tell you, take all the
supplements, and look the same as when you started.

But now you can almost instantly add massive amounts of rock-hard
muscle to your frame...

....even if you're not genetically gifted...

...and even if you've tried everything else and failed.

And you can do it with no dangerous steroids...

...which means your body is getting shredded the NATURAL way.

And you can do it with no expensive supplements...

...which means you still have money in your pocket to spend on
all those women who are suddenly giving you attention.

And you can do it with no long hours at the gym.

You work out LESS and achieve MORE, meaning you can live your
life as you choose, instead of living at the gym.

One thing you'll notice about this site is the TESTIMONIALS.

I don't know if I've ever seen this many glowing reviews from
experts and testimonials from "Average Joes" on one page.

Vince's program obviously flat out WORKS!

This is the same system Vince used to defeat the worst "skinny
genetics" in the world and pack on 41 pounds of rock-hard
granite-like muscle in just under 24 weeks.

It's the same system that earned him first place at the Canadian
Fitness Model Championships in Windsor, Ontario, in November

And it's the same system that brought Vince international
notoriety in Maximum Fitness and has made him a regular
contributor to Men's Fitness magazine.

Really, need I say more?

P.S. Don't miss Vince's 3 Dirty Little Lies revealed on that

And fair warning... you may get PO'd to the max when you read

...and rightly so!

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