Thursday, December 24, 2009

how to get rid of acne-acne solutions

It can sometimes feel like a battle with no end. Getting rid of acne, that is. Do you want to know what the main problem is?


I'm willing to bet you've made some basic lifestyle changes like diet, but really thrown most of your energy into a heavy duty treatment. A cream, a wash, over the counter medication, or drugs from your doctor.

And still the acne returns.


Because these treatments and cleaning regimes are not going to the heart of the matter. They are not removing the real cause of your acne.

Every where you turn, you are directed to eradicate the fiendish bacteria which have visited this most horrible of plaques (acne) upon you. You are exhorted to fire, at will, and do what ever's necessary to obliterate the offending bacteria.

So we do. We hit back with increasingly sophisticated antibacterial drugs, harsher and harsher skin treatments, and even peel away the top layer of our skin. This leaves us open to more infections, and rather frightening drug side effects.

Yet still the acne returns!

Now, I'll whisper this because it might be seen as complete heresy and I don't want to be stoned at dawn, but...

Haven't you wondered.. Perhaps the bacteria are not actually the main problem, with acne? Ssssshhhhh! Perhaps the acne bacteria simply find places on your skin that feel very homely and comfortable and snuggly, and move in.

So you clear the lot of them off with something nice and strong, but leave these homely places still intact. And what happens?

A new batch of bacteria show up, fresh off the boat, can't believe their luck, move in and throw a party.

I trust you've spotted the weak link in the purely anti-bacterial battle plan. The homely places are still intact. The places the bacteria love to settle in, are still there. Untouched.

In other words, the conditions that create your acne have not changed. So, of course nothing is stopping your acne from returning. And it does. Again, and again.

What's the solution?

Change the environment on your skin. Make it acne-UNfriendly, and you will have no more acne.

It's nature. A fish will not pack a bag and flop unto dry land for a holiday. It simply won't do it
In the same way, when you change the way your body works so your skin is healthier in itself, the acne bacteria will have nowhere to stay and cause havoc.

Result, No More Acne.

Okay, so the sticky question becomes "How?" How do you change your skin so you can get rid of acne once and for all, without dangerous drugs and chemicals?

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