Saturday, January 2, 2010

Plan to win your ex back

If you've stumbled upon this article, I've got to tell you that you are very lucky, because I'm going to share with you an easy plan that allowed me to win my ex back in a matter of days. First of all, you need to understand that the break up didn't happen by chance. There are two main reasons why relationships come to an end.

The first scenario has to do with something really wrong that you or your ex did (like cheating for instance). If you've cheated on your ex or you did something that really upset them, you need to learn how to make an effective apology, otherwise, your ex will never be able to forgive you fully (and, no, saying "I'm sorry" it's not enough). They need to know that you really understand how bad they felt when it happened. When you do that, avoid saying things like "it was nothing". This will only demonstrate that you are not congruent with what they feel. But, if you're serious about getting your ex back, I'm going to teach you how to make a deep apology that will save your relationship.

The second scenario has to do with a loss of attraction. What this means is that your ex is not that into you anymore. Does any of the following sound familiar...? "I'm not sure I want this anymore. I feel that I should meet more people and try different things before I settle down. I feel like I'm not ready yet to commit to someone. It's not you... it's me..." It's funny to hear variations of this in almost every situation. But the core reason is the same: your ex does not feel attracted to you anymore. Understand that, at the beginning of your relationship, your ex wasn't attracted to you by chance. But as the relationship progressed, you began to lose some, most or all of the attractive traits. If you want your ex back, you need to learn about this gender-specific traits that can make you attractive and really become an attractive person again.

To get started, neediness is not attractive. If your plan was to make your ex get back with you out of pity... guess again! Nobody wants a needy person around them. Take time to work on yourself. The best strategy to do this is to cut off all your communications with your ex for at least three to four weeks and there are many reasons to do this. First, it will prevent you from acting needy and depressed around your ex. Right now, you're probably in a highly emotional state and you need time to recover. Secondly, this will set the stage for the big meet-up. After about three weeks your ex will eventually start to feel lonely. This turns the odds of getting them back in your favor. Also, after this period of time, a deep apology will be a lot more effective if they expect an apology from you. Give them time to miss you.

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