Monday, December 28, 2009

Online Game Farmville Tips - Buy Farmville Farm Equipment

Farm Equipment is EXPENSIVE
The mechanized farm equipment like a harvester, seeder, or plow doesn't come cheap. They will run you about 30,000 coins which is a lot of money. And especially in the early parts of the game, make certain you don't leave yourself with too little money to purchase other critical items like seeds, fertilizer, etc. A mechanized seeder doesn't do you much good if you can't purchase seeds for the machine to plant.

You can decide which pieces of equipment to purchase first. It is a good idea to purchase the machine you will use most often first and then decide on the others as you accumulate enough coins.

Farm Equipment costs money to operate
Once you purchase a piece of farm equipment, there are still additional costs associated with the operation of those machines such as fuel. These machines can use up fuel pretty quickly so if you have a large farm, you may run up some large fuel bills.

It is especially important to keep this in mind if your machine cannot cover your farm on one tank of fuel. You can always wait for your tank to refill on its own. However if you want to maximize the return from your farm, you need to consider purchasing fuel refills so you don't have to wait to use your farm equipment. Since you can only purchase fuel refills with farm cash, you have to be very careful how much you buy since farm cash is more difficult to come by.

Efficiency is key
You can lower your fuel expense if you stagger your crop plantings properly. That way you don't have to plant and harvest everything at once. Instead you can work on a section of your farm at one time and then another section later on once the crops mature. Otherwise you could lose some of your crops if they are all ready to be harvested and you run out of fuel. Proper planning is key.

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