Monday, December 28, 2009

Free Online Games Farmville Tips - Grow Farmville Flowers

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Flowers grow Fast

The good things about flowers is that they grow quickly and can provide you with some fast cash. They only take a day or so to mature. I have found that flowers can bring me a return of over two times my initial investment. Some varieties bring even more. So keep that in mind when you need to increase your available cash rather quickly. At the same time keep in mind that since flowers grow and mature quickly, you need to be able to log into the game on a much more frequent basis in order to harvest the flowers on time.

Share Your Flowers
Not only are flowers profitable, they are also darn pretty! And as your fields of flowers grow and mature, you can harvest them and share bunches with your neighbors. They will give you bunches of flowers from their farm in return.

The flowers stay fresh for up to two weeks and enhance the overall appearance of your farm. They also need no ongoing care to keep them looking great.

If you want to collect perfect bunches of flowers from your neighbors, you need to grow your own and give them away. Your neighbors will be happy to return the favor once you give them a gift of flowers. You also have the option to send them a message encouraging them to grow flowers. The more the merrier.

There is no real downside to growing flowers other than making sure you can log into your game frequently enough to maintain and harvest them. Just keep planting, caring for them, and harvesting the flowers and you'll have a nice financial return which looks great!

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