Wednesday, December 23, 2009

How to be acne free

Trying to be acne free is different for most individuals. Because the degree of suffering varies. Some manage to get through this stage of life virtually unscathed, while others go through what is to them nothing but pure hell. The mental suffering can be worse than the pain of the skin acne. Self esteem is a very important part of life when you're a teenager. Of course, teenagers are at the age where it usually starts, but they're by no means the only sufferers. Skin acne can follow some people all their life.

Treatments for acne are far better than when I grew up in the seventies. They've come a long way in learning how to not only treat, but to cure this devastating condition. Back in my day, we all poked and popped zits to get rid of them. And we learned that this was not so smart, since this could scar your face and be worse than the zit itself. Using exfoliants is a good way to help with getting rid of the bacteria that causes acne, and can help in preventing the scarring as well.

When you use a good exfoliant, it will help to clean the pores and keep them unclogged so they can breathe. It clears away the old skin and allows for the new skin to be healthy and clean. This condition is brought on due to a change in the hormones. That's why so many of it's victims are teenagers. Oily skin is where acne thrives, but you don't want to get rid of all the oil. Keeping your skin clean with a mild cleanser is very beneficial, but don't overdo it.

When you first begin your acne treatment, don't expect immediate results. It takes time, it's a healing process. Today there are many good products available that can help you to control and sometimes rid yourself of this condition totally. Being acne free is the goal of all teens who are at that delicate stage of life.

For reducing bacterial infection and removing dead skin, Benzoyl peroxide is a big help. You will find it in many of the products that are put out there to treat acne. It helps to keep the pores open making them less susceptible to blockage and infection. Most acne sufferers treat themselves twice a day with a product that contains this hard-working anti-bacterial agent.

Depending on the severity of your condition, you may want to seek the advice of a dermatologist. Though many get by with just using home treatments with good success. The treatments available are not one size fits all. Every case brings it's own challenges, and some remedies work for some, while not for others. So you'll have some shopping to do.

When you understand what the main cause of acne is, you can have a better working knowledge for choosing a product that will work for you. Excess oil production in the skin, excessive hormones, and an ineffectiveness of the immune system for destroying the acne-causing agent 'P. Ances', are the three main root causes for producing acne.

Being acne free doesn't only mean getting rid of zits, or pimples. But blackheads are another part of this skin condition. There is plenty of information you can find online for treatments for scarring and for every day cleansing. Managing acne is no picnic, and it can be a really hard time for anyone who has to suffer through it. So if you have it, then research it, and count yourself lucky for the availability of information you have today. It wasn't so just a few yeas ago.

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