Wednesday, December 23, 2009

How to elimate skin acne within 3 days

The glands that produce sebum, known as sebaceous glands, containing the hair follicles have openings that allow acne to form. Usually, the cells forming the gland's wall should scab out through the pores of the skin. On occasions, a dysfunction in these cells can cause them not to exfoliate in the normal way; instead, they cause a blockage of the pores.

The glands continue with their routine function of producing sebum, the oil skin moisturizer. When there is a hormonal upset, the rate of sebum production goes up. As sebum keeps collecting in the gland sack displacing air in the glands, the condition becomes very friendly to a bacterium, Propriono bacterium acnes, or P. acnes. With this bacteria flourishing, the glad suffers an infection.

The burgeoning bacterial problems results in gland inflammation. This leads to the glands producing more sebum, which consequently blocks the pores. The infected gland gets filled with dead cells and bacteria all of which appear in the form of pus accompanied by dead skin. The physical appearance of this is what is called a cyst. Cyst or papule is the fully ripened stage of acne growth. At this stage, the glands rupture and the acne becomes totally obvious.

Acne does not occur overnight. It is a long drawn out process. A combination of several reasons and causes progresses to an intense stage where the problem of acne shows up in its final form. This problem is predominant in teenagers since during that age hormonal balance is disturbed. This is true especially of androgen, the hormone which is responsible for increased production of sebum.

When the problem of acne shows up people seek medical intervention. Doctors attempt to kill the process of cyst formation and growth. This will result in the skin getting scarred permanently. The acne problem is seen in women around the period of menstruation too because once again the hormonal imbalance occurs in women during this period.I felt angry, hopeless, and gross. I watched in horror as small acne scars began to accumulate on my face.

I would have to carry 'the badge' of this disease for the rest of my life, just like the other people I had seen that had it. Something had to be done.
I spent thousands of dollars pursuing a cure visiting the top dermatologist I could find. When his recommendations failed, I went to another dermatologist and then another. Always the acne stayed and the breakouts kept coming without any worthwhile relief.

It defied every one of their recommendations, their expensive prescriptions, treatments with over-the-counter products, the ongoing six a.m. antibiotic regimen that created nausea beyond belief, and even Accutane - the so called "Miracle Drug".

Acne was NOT my friend. After ten years of this constant emotional battle, I finally found a different and viable solution to this common problem. It was quite a journey to uncover something that really worked and I must admit, I was very skeptical at first when I tried it.

I truly didn't think I would EVER get rid of the acne that had tormented me for so long. However, I desperately wanted to feel better about myself and I wanted the acne GONE - so, I gave it my hardest try.

After just three days, I woke up and made the slow walk to my bathroom mirror. I walked in half asleep, almost stumbling, and with my eyes closed. As I opened them, my jaw dropped to the floor!

For more information, Click Here!

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