Monday, December 28, 2009

Cure Your Acne in 3 Days From Healthy Diet

Most doctors make it sound as if there's really nothing you can do except to keep buying medications and hope for the best.

This is completely FALSE.

I know you might not want to hear this, but it's true-your current health behaviors are what are causing your blemished skin. Changing them is how to cure your acne NOW.

I found that out the hard way...

Here's my story: I used to have a MAJOR zit problem... and medications did nothing for it. After 3 months of using "traditional" medications my skin was worse than ever.

That's when everything changed...

It was around this time that I decided to switch to eating more natural foods. My pimples actually weren't the reason for the change-I just wanted to have more energy.

But a surprising byproduct of my diet change was that my skin completely cleared up.

Article Source:

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