Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Acne Solution-Hormonal Acne Treatment

Nobody ever wants to have acne, considering that it often poses as an eyesore. Aside from that, the feeling of something itching on the face is simply annoying. In fact, many job applicants lose the opportunity to work, even if they are brilliant candidates, simply because they have acne on their faces.

In consideration of the high number of cases of acne, along with the emotional distress it brings, researches and medical experts found ways and means to completely eradicate acne. Today, there are antibiotics that are available as a fast and convenient way of fighting acne. There is no concrete cure however that could eliminate acne one hundred percent. Among the different treatments available, one particular treatment addresses the hormonal factor that causes acne. This is more popularly known as the hormonal acne treatment.

It is a fact that almost all of the body processes involve hormones and changes to it as well. One hormone, androgen, is responsible for the production of oil in the body. At times, too much of this hormone causes excessive oil production which eventually clogs the pores of the skin. When this happens, acne starts to appear.

Hormonal acne treatment concentrates on reducing the production of androgens in the body. A diminished production of androgens would also in turn decrease the amount of oil being produced which clogs up the pores that causes acne.

Hormonal acne treatments are often used to cure acne in adults considering that excessive production of androgens is often abnormal and needs to be balanced through medication. These treatments include oral corticosteroids, oral contraceptives, and anti-androgens.

Anti-androgens are a type of hormonal acne treatment which controls the production of the hormone androgen in the body, thus oil produced is controlled as well. Using anti-androgens benefits the skin in a sense that it is no longer very oily, diminishing the chances of clogging up the pores to cause acne.

Progestin and estrogen are two examples of oral contraceptives. Intake of such also results to a decrease of androgens in the body, just like anti-androgens. Women, who suffer from slight to severe cases of acne, as long as they are not pregnant, could use either progestin or estrogen to cure acne.

Oral corticosteroids are good forms of hormonal acne treatment as well. It has anti-inflammatory property which helps in reducing the swelling of acne. This is very ideal for those who do not have regular androgen production. Dexamethasone and prednisone are two of the commonly known oral corticosteroids that are available.

It must be noted that any external regulation of hormones might cause some effects to be felt on the body. For women, anti-androgens may cause some irregularity on the menstrual cycle. It also causes nausea, as well as menstrual spotting. When using oral corticosteroids, there is always the tendency for the thinning of bones. When this happens, weight loss is very much evident.

Hormonal acne treatment has been used by a lot of acne sufferers considering that it is a treatment which addresses the root cause of the problem. Any of the three kinds of hormonal acne treatment would always be a good choice for an acne sufferer.

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