Monday, October 4, 2010

How to eat 50% more calories while storing NONE of it as fat

Yesterday I wrote about how sick and tired I am of all the weight
loss diets, gimmicks and pills you see advertised every where...

...and I got a TON of mail from people who feel the same way...

...not to mention a LOT of people taking Tom up on his offer to
show them how to lose the fat WITHOUT diets, pills or any of that

I received a few questions, too, which I'm posting below...

Q. "You're right, I'm sick of weight loss B.S., too. So what
makes you think this is any different?"

A. Research and results. First, the results... look at Tom's
photo, the black and white one where he's bare-chested. Does it
look to you like he knows a thing or two about losing fat,
gaining muscle and getting healthy?

Without trying to sound weird or anything, his body is freaking

Tom absolutely appears to be following his own advice, which
means his advice is worth following.

Now look at the testimonials on that page. Pretty impressive.

As to research, Tom has been studying fitness and nutrition for
14 years, as well as acting as his own guinea pig. He's consulted
with top body builders and fitness models. He's read everything
he can get his hands on written by every expert and so-called
expert on the planet.

Bottom line, if Tom doesn't know this stuff, who does?

Q. "So, this is another book on how to starve yourself skinny,

A. Again, look at Tom's photo. He does NOT look like he's

Now read these items that are found in his book...

--How to eat 50% more calories while storing NONE of it as fat...

--The top twelve wonder foods you should eat all the time...

--Certain things you can eat that actually speed up fat loss and
increase your energy levels...

--How to eat right for YOUR particular body type...

--The almost magical combination of three food types that will
boost your metabolism, burn more fat, increase your lean body
mass and give you a ton of energy.

This sure doesn't sound like any starvation diet I've ever heard

More like an intelligent way of eating.

Q. "Am I going to be tired all the time by following Ton's

A. No. You will almost INSTANTLY boost your energy levels higher
than you ever thought possible, starting from day one.

Q. "Is there a way I can just purchase Bonus #1, Foods That Burn

A. No. The only way to get "Foods That Burn Fat" is to purchase
"Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle."

Note: If you haven't yet read the description of "Foods That Burn
Fat," here's what it says (and why this lady is so anxious to get
her hands on it...)

"In this popular bonus report, you'll learn exactly which foods
'burn fat' and speed up your metabolism - without having to cut
calories drastically."

"When you eat these foods, you can actually eat more and still
lose fat because these foods have a higher "thermogenic" effect!"

"This report reveals all the juicy details that most champion
bodybuilders and fitness models would rather keep to themselves."

P.S. You could, of course, research all of the info in this book
for yourself.

It took Tom 14 years to do it, and fitness and nutrition are his

So it might take you a bit longer. ;-)

Or you could just buy the book...

...and start feeling better within days...

...looking better within a couple of weeks...

...and attracting a LOT of attention to your sexy self sooner
than you ever imagined possible!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks a lot for your advice guys, it helped me a lot, I went to and followed their step by step instructions and it worked perfectly, now me and my girlfriend are back together.
