Thursday, January 7, 2010

How to win back your ex which is a failed relationship

If you've managed to remain friends with your former partner, you still have a win ex back chance. For those of you who had to face a breakup because you managed to break some of your promises, you can try to start building that bridge towards a new relationship with the same partner. You can do so by changing your attitude towards certain subjects. When it comes to the promises that you make within a relationship, the number one rule is this: Don't promise too much. This is one rule that most men don't have a problem with; men find it quite easy to keep this rule in mind. Being able not to promise a lot is a great way to avoid breaking hearts and a good way to avoid relationship blues. From now on, try not to make promises which you can't keep. Indeed, this piece of advice may seem very elementary in nature, but it's a piece of advice that can help anybody who is willing to do anything to win a former lover back.

Put your self in the shoes of the other at all times. A relationship is only an upgraded version of a friendship. When it comes to friendships, empathizing plays a great part to making a relationship last. There is a lot of difference to the meanings of sympathy and empathy. Sympathy denotes pity, while empathy connotes the ability to understand a person's place in life and being able to adjust to the personal situation of the other individual. Simply put, ask yourself this question, "How would you feel if the same thing happened to you?" Imagine the part wherein you're the one who is relying on the other person to keep a particular promise and this person lets you down. Would you not immediately assume that this person doesn't love you as much as he or she says? It's the common reaction to the greater types of "let-downs" especially those disappointments which involve broken promises. For now, just be thankful that you and your ex have managed to remain friends. Look at your present situation as a chance to prove to your ex that you aren't such a great promise breaker, after all. This will make your former lover realize that you are willing to do anything to give your relationship another try. For more, go to here.

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