Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Weight Loss | Break free from the fat loss chains that bind you

Last post I told you about Rob and Kalen.

Rob lost 42 pounds of fat and 10 inches off his waist in just a
few months...

and his wife Kalen lost 59 pounds of fat and 8 dress sizes.

And they did it without crazy diets, endless exercise or any
other gimmick.

That was two years ago.

Today, they still look sensational.

In fact, you can see their before and after photos here...


Q. "So how did they lose all that weight? They look so lean and

A. They turned their bodies into fat burning furnaces.

The exact method is in their book, but I can tell you what they
didn't do...
they didn't exercise like crazy,
they didn't eat weird foods,
they didn't starve,
they didn't do low carb, low fat or low calorie diets,
and they didn't take diet pills, powders or junk like that.

They did do some exercise (about 30 minutes per week.)

And they did eat healthy.

They still do.

This isn't a diet you go on, lose weight, go off the diet, and
gain the weight back.

This is a lifestyle change that is simple, easy, and will make
you slim and lean

Q. "You mean they exercised 30 minutes per DAY, right?"

A. No. 30 minutes per WEEK. When you know the RIGHT exercises to
do, and the right way to do them, you don't need to do endless
hours of boring cardio.

Rob does say that initially you'll be doing 15-26 minutes of
exercise 2-3 times per week....

...and you'll workout less as you become more advanced.

Go to any gym in the world, watch the dozens of people whose
bodies seemingly never get any better, and you'll see that the
traditional forms of exercise do not get the results you're
looking for.

Q. "Some people are just better at losing weight than others, and
these two must be like that."

A. Take a look at Rob's photos from when he was a baby, kid and
older. He was chubby (sorry Rob) his whole life until he
discovered the secret to fast and permanent fat loss and fitness.

And for those of us with round cheeks, take heart. Looking at
Rob's photos, you'll realize that you can in fact lose those
round cheeks when you lose the fat.

Q. "Does this program really work?"

A. Look at this testimonial from Catherine Backel...

"...As I read the 15 foods to eat & not eat I implemented it
straight away, with that alone I lost 5cm (2 inches) off my hips
in 2 weeks (no exercise!). I also want to mention as I was eating
very healthy before reading your system, but after tweaking my
energy went thru the roof with your diet adjustments."

Or this one from Tina Houvener...

"Hey Rob, ...Believe it or not, I'm already down 10 pounds on the
scale after just 13 days, and that's only from following your
water and diet suggestions. If the exercise stuff is as easy to
follow as the eating plan, I can't imagine just how awesome the
results will be. Thanks so much for this wonderful system, I am a
changed woman!"

Are YOU ready to be a changed woman (or man?)

P.S. If all you want to do is lose five pounds, this program
might not be for you.

But if you want to lose weight, be it 5 pounds, 50 pounds or 150

...AND get into the best shape of your life...

...AND have more energy than ever...

...AND do it all without spending countless hours exercising or
counting calories, then click here now...


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