Saturday, August 7, 2010

Warcraft Help | Profession Guide - Rogue

In World of Warcraft, Rogues are a pure melee dps class. Their performance and spec depends on what kind of game play they choose, PVE or PVP. They are leather wearers.

Leatherworking and Skinning
Leatherworking and Skinning are two professions that suit Rogues perfectly since they wear leather. Skinning is a profession which is easy to level up and matches leatherworking really good. If a Rogue chooses to pair Leatherworking and Skinning he/she won’t be sorry. With leatherworking Rogues can craft their armor while leveling and also nice epic armor sets on higher levels. A leatherworker Rogue can craft Armor Kits as well. These are used to boost the stats of one’s armor ad could be also sold on the Auction House. Icescale Leg Armor will be one of the interesting things for you as a Leatherworker Rogue. This is improvement which could be attached to your pants to improve your stats like attack power and critical strike rating, which are very important for a Rogue. If you prefer to play PVP, Earthen Leg Armor would be nice for you since it will boost your Rogue with 28 Stamina and 40 Resilience rating.

Leatherworking is fairly easy to level up since all you need are the skins from the beasts which are obtainable by skinning of course. It is said that Skinning and Leatherworking are the two fastest professions one can level up. Another thing Rogues will love is the Master of Anatomy buff that gives +32 on the critical strike rating and comes with Skinning as one of your primary professions.

Engineering and Mining
Engineering is also a commonly used profession by Rogues. Mining however accompanies it and makes its leveling faster. There is a nice benefit that you will get from mining, a buff called Toughness. This buff will increase your Stamina by 50. With Engineering a Rogue could make Weakness Spectralizers a nice head piece with Meta socket and a lot of stats. Healing injector kits are also nice to save up some space in your bags. Gnomish Army Knife is one of the things your party or raid members will love you for. With this you could return a dead player back to life. It cannot be used while in combat but since a Rogue can go into stealth if his/her group is about to wipe, he/she can try to resurrect a dead healer and save the group and also some time the group would waste corpse running.

Herbalism and Alchemy are always nice to have since one can make various elixirs, potions and flasks usable for PVE game play, if one chooses to raid or do instances. Also there is a buff that Herbalism gives called Life Blood which heals you for 2000 over 5 seconds and can be used while you are invisible or stealthed. Sounds good for a rogue that can only use bandages to regain health back, doesn’t it? Blacksmithing is nice as well if for Rogues that choose to become Weapon Masters so they can create weapons for themselves. Even though this profession fits better the plate wearers, on higher levels it can suit Rogues just fine. Jewelcrafting could be nice too because you could craft various gems that are unique and that only you could equip which will boost your gear with nice stats.

 Click Here For This Amazing Guide

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