Tuesday, July 13, 2010

STOCKS PICK | the secret stock pick service

Subscribe The Online Trading Secret 

Would you believe...

...A system that sends you non-stop cash, even if you don't want
it to?

When I was a kid, computers were great big things hidden deep in
the recesses of large corporations.

Whenever there was any kind of error, employees always blamed the

"It's a computer error, so sorry, we'll get it fixed!"

One time I heard of a guy getting a check from his phone company
for $1000, a huge sum of money to a kid.

He wasn't owed this money, and when he contacted the company
about it, they said they would fix it.

So they sent him another check...

...and another check...

...and another check...

This went on everyday for two months before it finally stopped.

WOW! I was so excited!

Maybe some big company would start sending ME big checks for no

I checked the mailbox everyday for months after hearing about
that guy.

No, I never did receive those checks from the big
computer in the company basement.

But that didn't stop me from dreaming. :-)

I forgot all about that guy and his non-stop checks until today,
when I visited the Stock Assault 2.0 site.
=> Click Here For Full Details

Check out the headlines...

"100% Automated Artificial Intelligence Stock Picking Software That Gives You a Personal Team of 1,000 Stock Analysts Working For You!"

"Produces returns in excess of +13,000% annually!"

"Learn how Stock Assault 2.0 gives you dead-on stock picks to earn you thousands of dollars per month using an advanced artificial intelligence engine."

"Once You Turn On This Plug-And-Play In-A-Box Money System, It
Can't Stop Sending You Cash...Even If You Want It To."

The stuff of fantasy, right?

But then he goes on to show proof.

Really BIG proof.

This is no computer error.

The software is really producing this kind of money.

And he's making money hand over fist, as we used to say.

To top it all off, he says it's so easy, a MONKEY could do it.

Well, I'm not sure about the monkey. But I guarantee you and I
can do it.

Imagine a system that makes you money day in and day out. Real
money, that you get to keep..

Click Here For Full Details

If you think it sounds to good to be true, wait till you see the
price. You might faint.

It's that LOW.

And with an 8 week guarantee, you've got plenty of time to figure
out if it'll work for you (hint: it will :-)

Click Here For Full Details

Imagine what a 13,000% annual return rate can do: 500 turns into 65,000, 1,000 turns into 130,000 and 5,000 turns into 650,000 while taking out your profits on each trade!

P.S. That guy who was getting all the checks when I was a kid
went to town once a week to try to give them back.

They wouldn't take them!

Finally, when the phone company got their "computer" straightened
out, they knocked on the guy's door and demanded he return all
the checks.

I always thought he should of hidden in the dark recesses of HIS
house, but he was honest and gave all the checks back...

...except one.

He said that was for his trouble. :-)

With Stock Assault 2.0, no one will be knocking on your door.

It's 100% legitimate, legal and honest.

And your earnings can make those $1000 checks look like chump

Click Here For Full Details

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