Thursday, April 1, 2010

How to Get an Ex Girlfriend Back Even If Youve Been a Slob

Mike was at a loss as to how to get an ex girlfriend back. Suzie had dumped him saying that he was a slob. Mike and Suzie had been talking about moving in together and Suzie said she realized that she just wasn’t able to take a relationship to the next level when the partner couldn’t even maintain his own hygiene. Now Mike was at a loss about how to get an ex girlfriend back.

Mike took a careful assessment of himself. He noted that he often didn’t shave on the weekends. He hadn’t had a haircut in 8 weeks. Suzie had often casually mentioned that he might want to get a manicure but he dismissed this as “girl stuff.”

He also looked around his apartment and realized that it was a pig sty. No wonder Suzie hadn’t wanted to set up housekeeping with him!

Armed with this crucial information about himself, he decided that he needed to win Suzie over. The question was how to get an ex girlfriend back.

While Mike wasn’t very good at cleaning himself, he did hire a housekeeping service to do a deep clean on his apartment and then scheduled them to come in once a week. He also asked the housekeeper to put doing his laundry on their list of things to do so that he would always have a clean shirt and pair of undershorts to wear.

He made a point to shower and shave every day – even when he wasn’t going to see anybody. He figured making a habit of it would be a good idea. Mike also made sure that he brushed his teeth morning and evening, something he had neglected from time to time before.

After Mike had cleaned up his act, the next step in his how to get an ex girlfriend back campaign was to write a letter to Suzie telling her about the changes he had made. He even included photos of himself and his apartment.

Suzie was touched enough to agree to have coffee with Mike. She really loved Mike, but had felt that nagging was the only way to get him to change. She wanted to take the relationship to the next level and get a home together, but didn’t feel that she could live with such a slob.

Mike acknowledged her concerns. He said that there were things that he could do a better job at, like taking care of his personal grooming. He also said that he was unlikely to do a lot of the housekeeping, but he could hire a maid service to do that for him knowing that having a clean place was important to Suzie.

Suzie appreciated the efforts that Mike had made. She said she wasn’t ready to change residences based on a few week’s efforts though. Mike and Suzie agreed that they would start going out again and, in six month’s time, reconsider moving in together based on whether Mike had truly become less of a slob.

Mike decoded the secret of how to get an ex girlfriend back and saved a relationship that meant a lot to him.

T 'Dub' authored a simple, down to earth step by step plan called "The Magic Of Making Up". And you know, it worked like magic for us. Now we are more in love than ever. For more, visit here.

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