Friday, January 8, 2010

Win your ex back with love letter

If you are looking for a powerful way to win your ex back, then answer this question. When was the last time you wrote a letter? And I mean a real letter, with a real pen, on real stationery. The answer might surprise you, but if you are trying to win your ex back, you might want to consider some of the benefits of honing up on your letter-writing skills.

If we go back a few centuries, some of the greatest romances were conducted by letter. In the boom years of the British Empire, many noblemen left England to tend to property and business in the colonies. Often they left a sweetheart behind, and the relationship was continued with passionate letter-writing.

In those days, a letter was very meaningful. It was written on parchment, with a quill pen and ink, and the envelope was sealed with a waxed personal seal. The letter was then transported by horse, camel, elephant, or some other means to the local port - in India, Australia, Africa, or wherever the nobleman was located.

Then the letter was carried by ship back to England, in a voyage that could take months. After making it back to England, the letter was finally delivered. And you can imagine the excitement upon receipt. Was that letter read carefully? Was it read over and over? Was it cherished? Of course it was.

And then the process was repeated, with the woman spending an equal amount of time carefully crafting a response. The delivery route was followed in reverse, and months later, the nobleman received an equally exciting letter.

My point here is that a letter can have great meaning and significance. We live today in an age of constant communication, with texts, Facebook updates, emails, and instant messaging. We don't take the time to craft our message.

If you want to create a great impression, you can learn from the lovers of centuries ago. Imagine the effort and thought that went into those letters I talk about above. Every word had meaning. Care and love oozed from the paper. Yes, the letter was important, but what was more important was how special the recipient felt because of the obvious time, effort, and love that went into writing the letter.

So if you want to scrawl a quick note on a napkin and shoot it off - well, the results will be commensurate with the effort. But if you want to go out and buy some special stationery, and a high quality pen, you might have better luck. Then organize your thoughts in bullet points. You will use these notes to structure the letter. Don't forget about those things called paragraphs and punctuation. Type the letter first on your computer to do a spell check (there is no point in ignoring totally the benefits of today's technology), and edit it until it is perfect. Then break out the pen and paper. Cover why you miss your ex. Describe how special your ex is. Recall special times. Tell him or her that they are still the one and only love of your life. For more, go here.

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