Friday, January 8, 2010

The secret to getting your ex back if he/she decide to break up with you

If your partner has decided to break up with you and you are hell-bent on preventing him/her from walking off, then chances are that trying to force your partner to stay back will fail miserably.

Although it seems frightening, letting your partner go and turn into an ex is the secret behind winning back your ex, and here are the reasons.

• You say day, your partner says night: With emotions running so high, your partner is bound to rebel at every suggestion. Thus, even as you try hard to restrain your partner from leaving you, he/she on the other hand will try harder to move away from you. The best move is to let your partner break free, get some breathing space and turn into a temporary ex.

• Take the steam out of the breakup: By agreeing to the breakup, you will end up surprising your partner, but more importantly you will also release the steam out of the breakup.

The ball will now effectively be in your partner's court and he/she might already start having second thoughts about the decision to break away from you.

• Let your ex check out the big, bad world: Your partner might have wanted to break away from you in a bid to find someone better on the other side of the fence. However, most relationships that start out on the rebound do not last long.

Your ex is bound to get disillusioned amidst some of the sharks floating around in the dating world and will soon realize your true worth in a short time.

• Let your partner go so that the respect can be retained: By letting your partner go, you will lose the person that you love for a short time but you will still retain the respect that he/she has for you. This is a crucial factor since your ex will only think about getting back together with you if he/she has retained respect for you over time.

If your breakup has been very bitter then your ex will never even consider getting back with you, especially if he/she has escaped your clutches after a lot of effort.

Letting your partner go could go against all your instincts might tear your heart but this move is certain to be respected and appreciated by your ex. When the time comes for a reunion, your ex will come running down the same path to happily envelop you in his/her arms. For more, go here.

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