Sunday, January 17, 2010

Heal the brocken heart when love is gone

When a romance ends it brings an emotional pain that you feel will never end. There is not a medicine in the world that will heal your broken heart. The best medicine is time to heal and the best medicine will be found in you and your thoughts. There are tips for healing a broken heart and being to heal.

Crying is also part of the emotional process so if you feel like crying and screaming do it. Holding it in will only intensify your emotions. Talking to someone is excellent for getting out exactly what you are feeling. Talk to someone who can be objective and not place blame on you or the one who broke your heart. They should be willing to listen, let you cry and just be there for you.

Being around a lot of friends or family will help you to stay functioning and avoid withdrawing from others. As much as you think you simply want to be left alone, it really is much better to be around others whom you can talk to.

Isolating yourself and neglecting your physically being will make matters worse. This is the time to do things for you. If you wanted a new hair cut but put it off because of the relationship, now is the time to do it. Go shopping and get the outfit you been eyeing for months. Do not forget to take care of your health during this time. Eating healthy and getting rest is a priority to avoid letting your health deteriorate.

Take up a hobby that you avoided while in the relationship. If you ate out a lot during the relationship, get some information on taking a gourmet cooking class. This is a great way to learn something you are interested in as well as meet new friends who share your interest.

Remember to not blame yourself or become your own worst enemy. There may have been problems due to you during the relationship, but this is not the time to dwell on what could you have done different. This is the time to heal and reminiscing about 'what if' will delay the healing.

Grieving is part of the process, it was a loss and you need to go through the grieving process, however, look forward to the future. Make plans to include adventures you would enjoy, go for walks in the sunshine, workout and have fun being you.

There is nothing greater than time and self attention to heal your broken heart. It takes time, but learning to enjoy you and being with friends or family will make the process smoother. Remember to look forward to the future and plans you have made. Above all else do not forget that you are someone who deserves to treat yourself to happiness.

If having a great relationship is what you desire, then it is something you are going to have to work at.Down to earth step by step plan called "The Magic Of Making Up". And you know, it worked like magic for us. Now we are more in love than ever. For more, visit here.

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