Monday, December 28, 2009

Let's Play Games Online Farmville Tips - Use Storage Space Wisely in Farmville

You can take advantage of the storage buildings available in the game. That is where you can put those items you would otherwise like to display but simply don't have the room to do so. This is especially handy for decorations you don't need at the moment but still don't want to lose. The decorations are important because they add to the look of your farm and also increase your experience points. It is important to realize that if you need to repurchase certain decorations, they are not always available. That is why it is important to store them when not in use.

Storage space lets you buy more stuff
Having a lot of storage space enables you to buy a lot of stuff which also adds to your experience points. But you can prevent overcrowding when trying to display them and end up with a much more pleasing look to your display.

Storage Buildings
If you need more storage space, then you have to build more storage buildings. It is as simple as that. You need to have enough land and cash to put up more buildings but if you plan this out properly, you will find that you can get pretty much as much storage space as you require.

The good thing is that the storage buildings look as good as the farm buildings so they will blend in well with the overall look of your farm. And the more buildings you construct, the higher your experience points will get as well.

What should you store?
Sooner or later you will need to be careful what you store. Otherwise you will have to keep building storage buildings which is not always the best long term plan. The best things to store are those items which are seasonal in nature like decorations. Many other items can easily be purchased again at any time if you can't store them. But this is a much more difficult situation with decorations so make certain you have plenty of room for them.

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