Tuesday, December 22, 2009

How Acai berry help your skin problems(acne)

It's bad enough that you have to deal with so much high school homework -- now you have to deal with high school acne, too. The pressure of having your schoolmates -- especially the girls -- laugh at your skin problems can be pretty hard. If your acne creams are not working for you, then maybe it's time to turn to more natural cures -- like Acai berry.

Sure, Berry Acai has been known to fix people's weight problems. But its benefits go beyond that, even so far as to treat acne and minimize the likelihood of breakouts. At the most basic level, Acai berry has enough fiber to cleanse your colon thoroughly, improving your health in general -- and skin health along with it.

More directly, Acai also helps promote skin health by destroying harmful free radicals that you get from unhealthy food and air pollution. Brazilians have known this for centuries, and their regular Acai intake has made them the envy of skin health enthusiasts all over the world. If you dig Latinas, you know what I mean.

Acai can help you through high school in other ways, too. You probably know that girls dig athletes and guys who do well in school. You can be both with the help of the energy boost you get from regular Acai intake. You'll be better able to concentrate during class hours and still have enough energy to hit the gym after class.

As an added bonus, sports and exercise encourages sweating, cleansing your pores and minimizing the formation of blackheads, whiteheads, and pimples.

Acai is a great health supplement that can help you get through acne and high school, and there are products out there that were designed specifically for men like you. All you have to do is find the one that best suits your needs.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jason_Daly

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