Saturday, December 26, 2009

Easy way to speed up you computer

Is your computer taking forever to start because you have not yet tried to speed up my computer? This can be really annoying especially early in the day when you are raring to begin work. But just by taking a few easy and quick- to-implement methods you can get your computer to boot up in a jiffy.

· Get registry cleaners to clean Windows registry

· First is to verify unnecessary programs, visual effects etc clogging up the memory and slowing the computer down.

· Next is to have a disciplined approach to maintaining your computer - periodic tweaking is a must.

· And last but certainly the best method is to upgrade - get more memory, better hardware and the works!

Now let us look at these methods in more detail.

Registry cleaners can be used to clean up the registry of unwanted records which have been adding up during the long computer usage. Redundant entries in a registry can confuse the OS leading to BSOD. Cleaning them manually is risky and very difficult. Registry cleaners can do an efficient job, very easily too.

When a PC is delivered there are numerous programs loaded into it in the form of trial versions. They are provided on the assumption that you might find them useful and then decide to go for a paid upgrade. But when you look into the list you will find that you will not even look at most of them. You can start by uninstalling such programs immediately. Your PC might by default have some "nice" visual effects turned on - which consumes precious memory resource. It will certainly make more sense to speed up my computer rather than have a PC that is pleasing to the eyes alone.

Computer maintenance is directly proportional to booting performance. When you have your computer maintained optimally you can easily speed up your computer. By periodically cleaning up your hard disk, removing viruses/ spyware/ malware etc and eliminating programs that have been downloaded but are no longer used you can free up resources that ultimately help in faster booting. You could also consider de-fragmenting the hard disk as fragmentation slows down the computer.

When you add more RAM you are directly aiding your PC or laptop in speeding up. For instance a 2 GB RAM or higher will serve to speed up my computer.

You can make a beginning today and get registry cleaners by clicking on the link given below.

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