Sunday, December 27, 2009

Cure acne super fast

If you are looking for a cure to your acne extra fast, welcome to the world. More than 17 million people are having problems with acne and it is still rising. Generally, it is an embarrassing situation that your social life may be affected because this condition can be visible to any onlooker. Your personal life and self esteem may be affected as well.

However, curing this condition in a fast manner may not be efficient at all. This is because an effective method of treating this condition (visible results) may not be in six months to two years time, which entirely depends on the severity of the case. It is definitely a long process to endure and it is a test of patience. It would be of greater importance if you confer with your dermatologist before considering any form of action whether you go for natural or modern medicine. Your dermatologist can give you the information you need regarding this condition from causes to possible treatments. He or she can give you advice on what route to take in terms of the treatment method and most importantly they know exactly what type of skin you have.

Knowing what type of skin you possess is important to determine exactly how effective a certain treatment would be. You will also know the proper way of treating the condition as well as prevent further complications from erupting.

Prevention of acne is one of the greatest steps because it is better than trying to get rid of the condition at all. Sometimes, you need to modify your lifestyle, incorporate the right diet, avoid stress, promote good hygiene and get adequate sleep in order to prevent future skin problems. Remember, our skin needs nourishment just like every organ in our body is. Therefore, maintaining its health is justified. Dietary supplements may also be warranted especially when you have other medical conditions.

To move on, the remedies below are designed for home use and while it may help you a lot, you need to take proper precaution as well.

#1 - Large quantities of green tea will greatly help. It is because green tea is a rich source of antioxidants that will facilitate cleaning the entire body in a natural way.

#2 - Water therapies are still the best. To get the better sense of the usefulness of water in curing acne, you will know it through its capacity to detoxify the entire body and get rid of the toxins that accumulate in our bodies with time. Some of these toxins may not only cause acne but other serious conditions as well.

#3 - Fasting for a day in every week can be great if you are an advocate of body cleansing. This method has been proven to facilitate body cleansing. This is in addition to drinking a lot of water to get the terrifying toxins out of your body.

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