Sunday, December 27, 2009

6 easy way to cure your acne scars

Here are 6 easy natural acne cures to cure acne naturally.

1) Since your body is made of about 70% water, it's only natural to assume drinking plenty of water will have a great effect on not only your body, but your skin. You get out what you put in, if you continue to drink sodas filled with sugars, dyes, and acid, chances are your acne won't be getting better any time soon. Reduce the amount of sodas and sugary drinks you consume and increase your water intake. This step alone will produce amazing results in 1 day!

* The body becomes extremely dehydrated while you sleep. Try drinking a tall glass of water every night before bed.

2) Another great drink for you in green tea. Green tea is chocked full of antioxidants that fight acne causing bacteria. There are plenty of other fruit drinks that are high in antioxidants, such as most natural berry juices.

3) There are theories all over the Internet that say foods you eat have are not directly correlated to acne severity. With that being said, I stopped eating greasy foods and combined with the rest of the steps I'm explaining my acne is completely gone. So take this step or leave it, but it certainly can't hurt!

4) Speaking of healthy diet. Eating green leafy vegetables is a great way to flush your system. Similar to water these types of foods naturally cleanse your body of toxins. And don't forget to throw in plenty of those fruits high in antioxidants.

5) Vitamin E is yours skins best friend. Vitamin E has healing properties that is essential for your skin. You have the option of taking vitamin supplements or making sure you use a non greasy facial lotion. I personally take a multi-vitamin that happens to include 100% daily value of the vitamin, and use a special lotion.

6) You might find this hard to believe but relieving stress can actually help get rid of acne as well. High stress level have been know to tamper with the natural production of certain hormones. Over production of some hormones can adversely affect your sebum glands which produce the natural oil for your face.

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