Monday, December 28, 2009

2 mistakes about face acne and body acne

Since knowing what NOT to do is very often just as critical as knowing what to do, here are 3 common mistakes almost everyone makes that have implications for their skin.

MISTAKE #1) Over washing your face

This isn't bad per se-it just won't do any good. Washing your face and pimples have NOTHING to do with each other.

Zits are simply the physical evidence of a problem underneath the surface.... clogged pores. There is plenty written on this topic elsewhere so I won't waste too much time explaining it here.

All you need to know is that clogged pores are an "internal issue". The washing you face theory is rooted in the false belief that pimples are the product of oily or dirty skin.

Cleaning your skin a lot will not make your acne flair up-but it does take time away from the tips for getting rid of acne that really work.

MISTAKE #2) Eating processed and dairy foods
This is probably the BIGGEST factor in causing pimples. Most traditional doctors will have you believe that your diet has nothing to do with your pimples.

This is a bold-faced lie

This belief might not be promoted any more heavily than by the zit medication companies themselves.

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