Monday, September 6, 2010

Train Your Throat To Snore Less

Snoring is one of the most common health problem today. If your or your spouse’s snoring is outrageous, you are one of 23% couples that seriously suffer from this terrible condition.

It’s not just the irritation of the snoring sound or how draining it is to stay awake all night long listening to a partner snore (it’s the most common form of Insomnia). The worst part is risking your or your partners life by being tired all day long.

You know that it can be life threatening when you loose focus driving in heavy traffic or crossing street.

It’s also life threatening because your whole emotional and physical balance will suffer. Nerves breakdown, stroke, and heart-attack are only three examples.

You’ve probably tried several things to eliminate this devastating condition. You would probably do anything to get a good night sleep. But you haven’t had any success, have you?

To be able to cure your snoring, you must know what causes it.

It’s actually pretty simple. There is always some kind of block in the breathing passages that cause snoring. The airflow in the breathing passage automatically becomes irregular if there is any block there.

The irregular airflow causes the soft tissues in the breathing passages to flap. And that flap causes the snoring sound. It’s like a door slamming in and out in a wind.

As the airflow becomes irregular, the soft tissues in the breathing passage will start to flap, making the irritating snoring sound.

The noise becomes really bad when the soft palate (a flexible part of the back of the roof of the mouth) also begins to vibrate. Sometimes, if the soft palate is weak, then the tip of it will bang down on the tongue (which may be dropping into the throat at the same time) like a bongo drum.

It can be very complicated to cure snoring despite the fact, it only has one main cause. The reason is that the blocks vary so much. And what’s worse, most people have more than one type of block, causing their snoring.

What makes snoring so complicated to cure is, the blockages varies so much between people. And most of the time there are several blockages in the breathing passage each person has.

Examples of what can cause snoring...

1) Your throat can be very weak and fall in when you sleep. This is very common for people who suffer from sleep apnea.

2) Weak tongue also falls into the throat and block it. This is very common if you sleep on your back but can also happen when sleeping on your site.

3) If your jaw is tense, then it may press on the breathing passages and narrow it. You are probably not aware of tension in the jaw muscles till you manage to relax it.

4) I mentioned the soft palate before. If it is weak, then it will flap around more easily and make the snoring sound. Notice that most of the time, the soft palate is not too big. It’s too weak.

5) Any muscle that is tense or weak around the breathing passage can put a pressure on it and make you snore. Very common is tension in the shoulders and neck.

6) Finally, anything that builds up in your throat will work as a dam for your breathing passage. The most common dams are fat or cigarette tags in the throat or allergy in the nasals.

6) Anything that might gather in the throat, like fat or tar from cigarette smoke, will narrow the throat and cause snoring.

These are only 6 common blocks but there are many more.

I guess when you look at it, it’s just a common sense. I’ve found that you can train this part of your body like any other part. Working out the breathing passages.

You’re of course not going for a heavy workout. You don’t kill a fly on your friends head with a sledge hammer. I’m talking about light, easy, simple exercises that get your breathing passage in top shape.

The beauty of working out your breathing passage is that the same exercises will work for what ever may be blocking your throat.

The simplicity of this is that no matter what blocks your breathing passage, the same few exercises will cure you.

You’ll actually strengthen and open up the whole breathing passage, from your throat up to the nasal opening.

Touch your voice box with your left hand (the big chunk on the front of your throat). Now also touch your forehead with your right hand. From your left hand to your right is the area you’re going to be training and removing any block from.

By doing simple throat exercises your soft palate and the whole area from bellow your voice box up into your nasals and everything in-between will be strengthened and refreshed. Plus it will clean the throat of any fat or tar.

The neck and shoulder exercises do the last trick. They remove tension from your neck and shoulders. Tension there leads to tension in all muscles around your head and throat. So it’s very good to loosen these muscles up.

And finally, the throat exercises will strengthen the throat and lift the soft palate.

It’s about working smart not hard.

How much effort you want to put into this is up to you. Training for as little as 3 minutes will do the trick.

How long you exercise every day is up to you. You can train for as little as three minutes a day.

For quick permanent results, I recommend taking the program that requires ten minutes a day commitment.

It’s nothing as joyful for me as opening my email program and read the emails from my clients. Most of them are simple thanking me for giving them their life back. At least giving them their sleep back. I hope I receive one from you soon.

The most pleasurable thing I do is reading emails from people who have used the exercises to successfully cure their snoring.

If you want to learn more about these exercises and try some out for FREE, then You can find the exercises program I developed and has helped so many people to stop snoring here...

Christian Goodman is the founder of The Stop Snoring Exercise Program ( The program has helped thousands of people to stop snoring without having to undertake dangerous surgery, dental implant or having to buy and use drugs every day.

Snorepin - The Smarter Solution Against Snoring and Sleep Apnea (Advanced Design Save Your Lungs)

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