Sunday, September 12, 2010

Sleepless? 'Thinking' The Night Away?

Do you have trouble falling asleep?

Does your mind keep shifting into overdrive whenever you lie down
at night?

Do you sleep poorly, or repeatedly wake up throughout the night?

Are you tired when you wake up in the morning?

In fact, are you tired all the time?

It doesn't have to be this way.

You can actually learn to fall asleep quickly, effortlessly, and
without drugs or sleeping pills.

And you can also learn to sleep soundly through the night, waking
up refreshed and revitalized on just 6 or 7 hours of blissful

And the best part?

It's actually amazingly simple to do.

Just press 'play.'

That's right!

With Sleep Tracks, you can just press "Play" on your CD or MP3
player, and drift off to sleep in no time.

"I now fall asleep quickly, usually within the first twenty
minutes. I love it!!!" --Joanne Spruyt, Kamloops, BC, Canada,
August 8, 2007

"To my utter amazement, I have been sleeping better everyday and
even napping for the first time in 30 years." --Randi W (age 58),
Layton, Utah, September 17, 2007

The easiest, fastest and healthiest way to naturally fall asleep
is to use precisely designed audio soundtracks, known as Sleep

These tracks are safely engineered to guide your brain into sleep
by inducing immediate AND long-term changes in your brain

They do this with an increasingly popular (but still little-
known, even after 30 years) technology called "brainwave

Here's how it works...

Scientists have found that different brainwave "frequencies" are
associated with different mental states.

They've also discovered that the brain will "mimic" the
frequencies it hears.

So if you listen to the right frequencies, it will cause your
brain to go to sleep!

Okay, I've oversimplified the explanation...

...but I think you get the idea.

For a more detailed analysis of why Sleep Tracks is so effective,
click here...

...and then scroll down to where it says...

"Click here to learn more about brainwave entrainment."

Look, if you're having trouble sleeping, then you're not getting
the rest you need.

And if you're not getting the rest you need, you're opening
yourself up to a greater risk of sickness, disease and accidents
of all sorts.

Not to mention feeling tired and sluggish all the time.

Your health suffers.

Your job performance suffers.

Your entire waking life suffers.

And all because you're not getting the good night's rest you

The solution is simple.

So simple, it would be silly not to take advantage of it.

P.S. Tonight you can either enjoy the best rest you've gotten in
months, waking up refreshed and rejuvenated...

...or you can toss and turn all night, waking up exhausted and
looking far older than your real age.

Easy choice.

And a super simple solution...

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