Saturday, September 11, 2010

Free Tips To Stop Snoring

If you and your spouse suffer from horrible snoring, You are not alone. 23% couples suffer seriously from this terrible condition.

It’s not just the irritation of the snoring sound or how draining it is to stay awake all night long listening to a partner snore (it’s the most common form of Insomnia). The worst part is risking your or your partners life by being tired all day long.

You know that it can be life threatening when you loose focus driving in heavy traffic or crossing street.

Not only that. The physical and emotional site-effects of not getting enough sleep can be something like nerves breakdown, stroke or heart attacks. Just to name few.

You can’t blame your self or your partner. You’ve probably tried several things to eliminate the snoring but nothing helped. I’ve had many clients who undertook expensive, dangerous surgery, only to find them self worse off afterwards.

So Let's Look at What Causes This Horrible Condition in Your Life

There is only one underlying cause for snoring. There are always some kind of blockages in the breathing passages, which make the airflow irregular.

The irregular airflow causes the soft tissues in the breathing passages to flap. And that flap causes the snoring sound. It’s like a door slamming in and out in a wind.

As the airflow becomes irregular, the soft tissues in the breathing passage will start to flap, making the irritating snoring sound.

The noise becomes really bad when the soft palate (a flexible part of the back of the roof of the mouth) also begins to vibrate. Sometimes, if the soft palate is weak, then the tip of it will bang down on the tongue (which may be dropping into the throat at the same time) like a bongo drum.

The real loud sound happens when the soft palate (the flexible back part of the roof of the mouth) starts to vibrate. And sometimes the tip of it will even start beating on the tongue (which may also be falling into the throat) like a drum.

It can be very complicated to cure snoring despite the fact, it only has one main cause. The reason is that the blocks vary so much. And what’s worse, most people have more than one type of block, causing their snoring.

Here are just few examples of what can cause your snoring…

Examples of what can cause snoring...

1) If your throat is weak, it will close like a squeezed plastic bottle. This is believed to be the no1 cause of sleep apnea.

2) Your tongue may drop into your throat when you sleep and block it. The tongue is a muscle and if that muscle is weak, then it’s more likely to drop into the throat.

3) Tense jaw muscles put pressure on the breathing passages. This is what many dentist try to deal with by putting in dental implant. An easier way to avoid this is loosing up and relaxing the jaw muscles.

3) The Jaw may press on the breathing passage narrowing it. Often this is because of tension in the muscles around the Jaw that press it out of its normal healthy position.

4) Floppy, weak soft palate bang around like leaf in a wind. Some snoring surgeries deal with this by cutting of part of the soft palate or putting small plastic implants in it to make it firmer. Simple moving it in the right way few times a day will keep it firm and prevent it from flopping.

4)The Soft palate may be too weak and not firm enough and will lay too close to the tongue, making it very easy to flap around and make the irritating snoring sounds.

5) I often say, ‘no muscle is an island’ … meaning, every muscle in your body is interconnected. If you’ve tense shoulders or neck, all the muscles around your throat will be more tense and put pressure on it. The same way as if you squeeze a plastic bottle.

5) Any muscles tension around the breathing passage, like in the shoulders and neck, may press on the throat and narrow it.

6) Anything that builds up in the throat like far or tar from cigarettes. This will block the throat.

6) Anything that might gather in the throat, like fat or tar from cigarette smoke, will narrow the throat and cause snoring.

I’ve of course only named few causes but there are endless other.

But the big question is; how can we get rid of these blocks?

Let me ask you a simple question: what would you do if your legs muscles were so weak and you couldn’t walk? Train them, right? How about doing the same with your breathing passages? How about working out the breathing passages?

The beauty of working out your breathing passage is that the same exercises will work for what ever may be blocking your throat.

You’ll actually strengthen and open up the whole breathing passage, from your throat up to the nasal opening.

What you will do is strengthening the whole breathing passage and the area around it.

The whole area from bellow your voice box up into your nasals and everything in-between will open up and strengthen using the throat exercises. It will also burn any fat in there and clean out tar.

Strengthening your tongue prevents it from falling into your throat.

Loosing up the Jaw, using the jaw exercises will remove any tension from it. You’ll be surprised how much easier you’ll breath after you do the Jaw exercises.

The throat exercises open up the throat, preventing it from closing when you sleep. They’ll also strengthen and lift up your soft palate, so it won’t flap any more.

And finally, the throat exercises will strengthen the throat and lift the soft palate.

It’s about working smart not hard.

The Training Doesn't Take Much Effort

For even quicker and better results, commit to 7-12 minutes a day and see what happens. The results are permanent, so once you’re cured, you never have to do this again.

For quick permanent results, I recommend taking the program that requires ten minutes a day commitment.

And you should be ready to commit for about two months to permanently cure your snoring. Although most likely you will have quiet nights long before those two months are up.

I hope I’ll soon receive your success story. I love nothing more than opening my email in the morning and reading the stories on how my clients healed them selves using my exercises.

Snoring is putting such a strain on many relationships. Many people have been forced to sleep separately. Other have learned to live with it but there is always a hidden resentment. I hope you give the exercises a try. I hope you give me the benefit of the doubt to try commit to working the exercises for few weeks. And I promise you, there will be nothing but quiet, restful nights in your future.

If you want to learn more about these exercises and try some out for FREE, then You can find the exercises program I developed and has helped so many people to stop snoring here...

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1 comment:

  1. Finally! I've been looking all over the internet on how can i stop snoring problem, and I'm glad I found you blog. The tips you gave are all natural and effective.
