Sunday, August 22, 2010

What causes a panic attack? How do you know if you're having one?

About Panic Away, the one program that
is actually stopping people from having these debilitating panic
attacks and bouts of anxiety.

I received several questions and comments. It seems that panic
attacks are surprisingly common, and until now there were no real

Panic Away is a program that quickly empowers you to end the
panic attack cycle, so you don't experience them again.

The testimonials on the site are profound, and the sheer number
of people who have benefited from the program is amazing... over
26,000 at last count.

Here are some of the questions I received...

Q. "How do I know if I'm having a panic attack?"

A. You probably are if you're experiencing most of these
symptoms... feel dizzy...
...there is a tightness in your throat and chest...'re short of breath...
...your heart is racing...
...your mind is full of worry and dark, unwanted thoughts.

You may feel like your life is in danger, or you're going to die.

People have these attacks in different degrees. Often someone who
has small panic attacks will notice that the attacks get larger
and more debilitating with time and frequency.

Q. "What causes a panic attack? And how does Panic Attack stop

A. The first attack a person experiences is usually fairly mild,
and could be triggered by almost anything. (Subsequent attacks
can be far worse.)

Then the panic attacks become self-perpetuating, because the fear
of having a panic attack will actually BRING ON another attack.

The anticipation of the next attack starts the anxiety in motion.

Then the slightest trigger launches the full blown panic attack.

The only way to stop having panic attacks is to stop this cycle.

Panic Away teaches a technique that breaks the cycle of anxiety
and returns the person to normal everyday living.

To get results, there is no need to regress into the past and
find out why you had your initial panic attack.

You just need to be willing to break out of the anxiety cycle.

Q. "Why don't doctors and psychologists teach this method of
ending panic attacks?"

A. Doctors are used to prescribing medication... it's what
they're taught to do, not to mention it gets the patient out the
door and the room freed up for the next patient (doctors are
extremely busy and often overworked.)

Most psychologists have never had a panic attack, so they have no
personal experience to fall back on.

Instead they use their training, which is generally outdated. The
patient gets frustrated after a few visits, never returns, and
the psychologist assumes the patient is cured.

One of the over 26,000 users of Panic Away reports that he...

"...learned more from reading your program than I did from all
the psychologists and other practitioners I had seen in the 25
years that I've had this condition."

And his experience is a common one, as you can see from the
testimonials at Here.

Q. "I understand that Panic Away has helped a lot of people, but
my panic attacks are so severe, I'm not sure it can help me."

A. Please don't think that your anxiety is unique or incurable,
it's not.

Certainly when you're in the middle of a panic attack, it's
natural to think that no one else has endured anything quite like
it... but that's exactly what everyone else who has attacks
thinks, too.

Things start to happen almost immediately when you use Panic
Away. Your general anxiety will fall away, you'll have less and
less fear of another attack, and you'll become more confident and
more like your former self.

If you don't begin to see real results within days (or even
hours) of using the program, then ask for a refund.

But I think you're going to be blown away at the amazing results
you do achieve.

Here's the link...

Be sure and read some of the many stories of how Panic Away has
changed lives forever for the better.

P.S. Imagine having no more fear of leaving the house in case you
have a panic attack...

Imagine having no more fear of getting stuck somewhere in the
middle of an attack...

Imagine never having to make excuses for why you cannot go

Imagine never having to put off plans, travel and vacations...

Imagine no more fear of speaking at business meetings...

Imagine no more living like a trapped animal with no way out...

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