Saturday, August 14, 2010

Loss Weight | How to Have the Metabolism of a Jet Engine...

Do you have any idea how much fuel an airplane engine consumes
just to keep the plane in the air?

Well, it depends on how big the engines are, of course.

A Cessna 150 prop engine, for example, uses about six gallon per

A Boeing 747 jet engine, however, uses one gallon of fuel...


If your metabolism is revved up to consume calories at a higher
rate, what do you suppose happens?

You lose weight!

Did you know there are certain "tricks" to eating that will rev
up your metabolism and cause you to burn off more calories than
you consume?

This is just one of the MANY techniques you'll discover in "Fit
Over 40," the plan that models what successful people have done
to go from old and fat to biologically YOUNGER, healthier, better
looking, and thinner!

Click here to check this.

Here are more of the many things you'll discover...

--The #1 short cut for people who absolutely must lose fat FAST,
without losing precious muscle...

--How to transform your life using a single technique. The
results will STUN you...

--How the author...
...slashed his triglycerides by 500%,
...increased his testosterone,
...boosted his GH levels,
...cut his blood pressure by 60%, and
...melted off 32% body fat and 10 inches off his waist...

--The exact steps to take to conquer a major health crisis and
achieve a dramatic body transformation...

--How to create the perfect nutrition program just for you...

--FORGET willpower! Discover how to put yourself on autopilot to
stay motivated and get results easier than you ever dreamed

--The strange but true scientifically proven facts on how to
release natural chemicals that burn fat and keep muscle...

--How a small change to your weight training program can build
more muscle, burn off more fat and release a flood of natural
growth hormone... and with less time in the gym...

--How to get a 10 year drop in your biological age...

--The secrets of correct carbohydrate consumption...Never, EVER
be confused about carbohydrates and low carbohydrate diets

--The easy rules of eating that will rev up your metabolism like
a jet engine!

--10 things you absolutely MUST do differently after you turn 40,
or face dire consequences...

--The five pillars of "FIT OVER 40" that virtually guarantee your
success. Miss any one of these and your health is in jeopardy...

--And much, much more.

Look, if you're unhappy about how you look and feel, you can

1) Remain unhappy,

2) Try to fix it alone, or

3) Discover all the shortcuts to losing weight and getting
healthy FAST just a few minutes from now!

P.S. I know what it's like to be sick and tired of feeling sick
and tired.

I'm not gonna take it anymore, and maybe you shouldn't, either.

Try this...

Click here...

Scroll halfway down the page to where you see the 10 photos to
the left.

The caption with the first photo is...

"A 77-year-old grandmother who trains and competes in
bodybuilding with her 48-year-old daughter!"

Look at those 10 photos and read all the captions...

...and KNOW this...

If THEY can do it...

YOU can do it.


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