Monday, July 5, 2010

How To Avoid Spam With Akismet

This Tutorial is Part of Atomic Blogging ( A Step By Step Guide to Blogging )


What you see above are the number of Spam messages I get so far on my blog! It's HUGE! Arent they ignoring? To avoid and prevent all this spam you must use Akismet - A Free Plugin to avoid spam for your blog.

Before I start, Akismet is a free open source spam program online to help fight spam for wordpress owners.

Just follow the following steps to get started to prevent Spam on your blog.

To install & setup Akismet for your blog first you need to go to your Plugin panel in your Control Panel in wordpress found at http://www.(yourdomain).com/wp-admin/


Follow the steps above to activate Akismet.

Akismet Step 2

After you have activated all the Plugins you should see the above message just click on the link enter your API Key.

Akismet Step 3

To get your API Key, all you need to do is go to and sign up for a free account, the API Key will be email to you when you sign up a free account.

Akismet Step 4

When you have sign up for a account you can find the API key when you click on My Profile. Example how a API Key looks like is fbd655933fa6. Please use your own API Key and don’t ever share your API it is like a password for you =)

Akismet Step 3

So once you got the API Key from, just key in the Key in the box and click on Update Options in your own blog!

Akismet Step 5

You will know you have successfully installed Akismet when the green word appear as above. And you are done! NO MORE SPAM for your blog!

To get more step by step tutorials, I highly recommend you click here to grab more tutorials =)

If you have benefited from this tutorial feel free to share it and post it on your blog or comment below.

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