Friday, May 21, 2010

how to get up and running fast easy web-tech videos!


the number one question I get

asked is:

"How do I just get started online?"

Great Question! Most people have never

been taught:

How to put up a webpage

How to set up an autoresponder

How to FTP and why it is important

What to use to "edit HTML"

How to put audio on thier site

How to register a domain

How to get your website "Hosted"

and the list goes on and on...

You have 2 choices when it comes to learning the

"Tech" of the internet:

1. Go and try to figure it out for yourself...

2. Watch these dead-simple easy videos

and get started today!


We are building the site out even bigger
right NOW, so you can even ask us your
personal questions when you get to the
site and have them answered by us
in our super-simple:
"how to get up and running fast easy web-tech videos!"



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