Tuesday, December 15, 2009

How to Look Positively

There are people who depends their happiness to situations or to things saying that if they had some money, if they meet the right person, if they have good health and be able to travel the world they would be very happy. The problem with living your life this way is that you will never be truly happy because nothing will ever fill the hole of dissatisfaction inside your mind.

We can all have happiness because it is a state of mind and the key to happiness is to nurture your mind with positive thoughts. And since we are constantly bombarded with negativity, it is sometimes difficult to stay positive. But you can turn this around by training your conscious and subconscious mind to only accept positive thoughts and impulses because this will attract wonderful opportunities.

Smile at people around you and you'll see how infectious it is and whatever belief you want to follow, it is undeniably true that happiness breeds more happiness. Watch funny films because a good laugh will help you put your life into perspectives. Forget the past because there is nothing you can do to change what already happened. Choose to be happy no matter how bad the situation is and never blame someone else when something goes wrong. My brother always told me to 'build bridges not walls' because only through relationships can we love and be loved so make it your top priority.

Be true to yourself and don't promise anything you can't keep even to yourself so that you will be in peace. Develop multiple passions so that you will have endless streams of exciting things to create new happiness. Be yourself, find what matters you most and always count your blessings because it is easy to be happy if you are grateful and you will soon see that you have many reasons to be happy. Try to find positive things in any situation to help you with your quest for happiness. Remember that happiness is a state of mind we can all achieve so why don't you try it today.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Janet_Grace_Ortigas

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